Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Saturday Trip

This Saturday I and Sowmyan went just for a ride. I drove for some distance on the Old Madras Road out of Bangalore. Sowmyan was very happy as he had just got engaged. The clown he is, he kept on singing loudly through out the trip, old, new, mixed, etc. He is a great mimic, that I did not know.

Well, travelling about 20 kms out on the Old Madras Road, we came to a lake, a dry lake bed to be precise.

We sat down on the embankment and discussed everything under the sun. Sex, Marriage, Affairs, Love, respect, everything. The evening sun was mild, clouds high above, cool breeze flowing slow, this set the mood for the evening.

Sowmyan and I were greatly entertained by a couple of couples engaged in intimate activities in the open. This set us up on a discussion as to if, given a chance, we would engage in such activities in open, and not in the privacy of 4 walls. The discussion was inconclusive. But, man, were we titillated.

As dusk fell, we felt it would not be prudent to stay in such a location, and man, we promised that we will be back.

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